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Rope Chain & Pendants

Franco & Pendants


Franco Thickness

Rope chain Thickness

Cuban & Pendants

Cuban Thickness

10K Franco 3.5MM & Jesus en MNG-094



10K Franco 3.5MM & Jesus en or 10K MNG-096



10K Franco 3.5MM 10K & Jesus en or 10K MNG-095



10K Franco 3.5MM With Jesus en or 10K MNG-097



10K Franco 3.5MM& Jesus en or 10K MNG-093



Chaine Franco 10K & Jesus 10K MNG-067



Chaine Franco 10K & Jesus Sur Plaque Or 10K



Chaine Franco 10K 2.2MM With Jesus En or 10K MNG-031


MNG-031 jericho-26p2.2mm-8.80g

Chaine Franco 10K 2.2MM With Medallion De Jesus 10K


MNG-030 livorno-28p11.10g2.2mm-11.10g

Chaine Franco 10K With Medallion Jesus 10K



Chaine Franco 10K With Medallion Jesus 10K



Chaine Franco With Tête de Jesus En OR 10K



Chaine Franco With Tête de Jesus En OR 10K



Franco 10K With Medallion Jesus 10K



Franco 10K With Medallion Jesus 10K



Franco 3.5MM 10K & Jesus en or 10K MNG-091

